Monday, February 8, 2010

We are still alive! Lynda spent a week on an island in Georgia and came back, thank goodness, to this chilly mess.

August Moon Artistree is a new art gallery near Maple Lake in Paw Paw, MI. We have been accepted into this beautiful space and are very excited to see where the Paw Paw area may lead us! You may fan August Moon Artistree on Facebook to keep up with all of the details and promotions.

Two Studios will be working on a video that follows a new student of Lynda's. Our goal is to see her progress through the lampworking stages to creating her own jewelry. Honestly, she has been making her own pieces as long as her mom has been into art jewelry, but now she is old enough to play with the flame. Guess who it might be. (wink, wink)

1 comment:

  1. alive and well! beautiful work you two! And when will the surprise-surprise! new student video come out?
